SAPG reflections on 2023
SAPG proactively updates and creates products to ensure the products are relevant and that they meet the requirements of frontline clinicians and patients in Scotland.
In 2023, SAPG released the following products.
Updated guidance
2. Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia quality indicators
3. Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia algorithm
4. Guidance on the intravenous use of colistimethate sodium (colistin) in adults
6. Good practice recommendations for redosing antibiotics for surgical prophylaxis in adults
Reviewed guidance
1. Good Practice Recommendations for antifungal stewardship in haemato-oncology
2. Good practice recommendations for use of antibiotics towards the end of life
New guidance
1. Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) good practice prescribing guide
2. Co-trimoxazole in empirical antimicrobial treatment guidance
Updated resources
3. Vancomycin
New resources
1. Resources for the management of children with respiratory tract infections
Content updated Feb 2024