SAPG Network Event November 2024

Resetting Antimicrobial Stewardship in Scotland

The next SAPG network event "Resetting Antimicrobial Stewardship in Scotland" will be held on Friday, the 15th of November 2024, from 9.30am-4pm

The event will support World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week, 18-24 November 2024.

Online registration for this event is now open. All attendees are required to register before the event. 

For more information or to register please contact :

Event programme

Morning Session:  National Action Plan in primary care (9.30-13.00)


Registration and coffee


Welcome and overview of UK AMR National Action Plan 2024- 2029 within Scottish context

Professor Andrew Seaton, Chair of Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group, Infectious Diseases Consultant, NHS GGC and Honorary Professor, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing, University of Glasgow


Variation in antibiotic use across Primary Care in Scotland – what do the data tell us?

Mr William Malcolm , Pharmaceutical Adviser, Clinical Lead for Scottish One Health Antimicrobial Use (SONAAR) and Antimicrobial Resistance Programme, Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection (ARHAI) Scotland


Pharmacy First – what have we learnt so far and what is next?

Catherine Aglen, Pharmaceutical Advisor (Community Pharmacy), Pharmacy & Medicines Division, Scottish Government


Key Note Lecture

Evidence based strategies to support antimicrobial stewardship in primary care

Professor Paul Little, Professor of Primary Care Research, Primary Care Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton


Coffee break


Break out discussion 1 :  Antimicrobial stewardship challenges and solutions in primary care including virtual consultations 

Facilitated by Dr Dave Rigby, General Practitioner, Langabhat Medical Practice and Realistic Medicine and Therapeutics Clinical Lead, NHS Western Isles
(20 mins discussion 10 mins feedback – total 30 mins)


Break out discussion 2 : Role of independent prescribing and provision of antimicrobials in Primary care

Facilitator TBC
(20 mins discussion 10 mins feedback – total 30 mins)


Summary of reflections for morning session

Lunch break

13.00-13.45 Lunch


Afternoon Session: National Action Plan in secondary care (13.45-16.00)


Being AWaRe: Introduction to UK National Action Plan challenges in secondary care

Dr Stephanie Dundas, Vice Chair of Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group, Infectious Diseases Consultant, NHS Lanarkshire


Variation in antibiotic prescribing across Secondary Care –What do the data tell us?

Mr William Malcolm, Pharmaceutical Adviser, Clinical Lead for Scottish One Health Antimicrobial Use (SONAAR) and Antimicrobial Resistance Programme, Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection (ARHAI) Scotland


Management of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia – applying emerging evidence to clinical practice

Clark Russell, Clinical Lecturer in Infectious Diseases, University of Edinburgh


Improving time to IVOST

Dr Rachael Rodger, Antimicrobial Pharmacist NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde


Break out discussion 1 : Time to rethink cephalosporins?

Facilitated by Professor Andrew Seaton
(20 mins discussion 10 mins feedback – total 30 mins)


Break out discussion 2 : How to optimise “shorter is better” message

Facilitated by Dr Stephanie Dundas
(20 mins discussion 10 mins feedback – total 30 mins)

15.50 Summary and feedback from the day
16.00 Close